🥎🏈🏃‍♂️🔴 2024 Comanche Junior and High school Fall Sports Schedules! Mark your calendars to come out and support your Indians🔴🏃‍♂️🏈🥎 #comancheok #ComancheIndians #WeAreOne #backtoschool #IFND #comanchesoftball #comanchecrosscountry Comanche High School Comanche Middle School Comanche PS Athletics
7 months ago, Kallie Ogletree
Let’s give an Indian welcome to Coach Harris as a new hire to our coaching staff. She will be head JH Softball Coach. She will be a CMS Math Teacher. Lindsey will be teaching 6th and 7th grade math and coaching middle school softball this upcoming school year! She looking forward to meeting each and every one of you,and excited to see what this year brings! We are so excited to welcome Coach Harris to our Indian Family! #CPS #comancheok #WeAreOne
7 months ago, Kallie Ogletree
🤍♥️School Secretary♥️🤍 You always save the day by passing out band-aids to kids, making copies for teachers, and answering calls to worried parents! You run both the office and school with ease, along with bring warmth and joy to the building and everyone inside! WE APPRECIATE YOU ALL!!!! #cps #ComancheIndians #WeAreOne #schoolsecretary
10 months ago, Kallie Ogletree
‼️STATE BOUND‼️ Payton 145#, Tucker 132#, Logan 157#, Paxton 168#, Holden 168#, Rylan H 198#, and Rylan S 220# all going to state.There is another 5th place finisher that has a chance. Hard work is paying off boys! We are so proud of you! Good Job Boys, Coach Reyes and Coach Robinson! State Meet is Thursday, March 14 at El Reno . GOOD LUCK BOYS! #CPS #WeAreOne #IFND #ComancheIndians
11 months ago, Kallie Ogletree
Another early morning for these guys! They attended Big 3 Field days in Stillwater for the Beef Cattle Judging Contest. They competed with over 1,000 4-H and FFA members across the state. Our Senior FFA team had a great day and competed against 600+ Senior FFA members. As a team they placed 73 out of 205 teams. Individual score: Ema Parks scored 296 points and tied for 296th place. Raylen Parks scored 243 points and tied for 501th place. Ty Martin scored 305 points and tied for 245th place. High scorer on the team today! Koble Lewis scored 296 points and tied for 296th place. Our lone 4-H member, Kinsley Morgan, competed as an individual in the Junior 4-H division with over 300 others. She scored 213 points and placed 290th.
over 1 year ago, Kallie Ogletree
Our Drumline attended TMALA.We had 3 students receive awards. Rhett winton got the most improved Drumline member in the top Drumline. Bristol Hurst got the most improved Drumline member in the Third Drumline. Holden Vess got the most improved Drumline member in the 2nd drumline.
over 1 year ago, Kallie Ogletree
📢📢 BUSINESS SHOUT OUT! 📢📢 Thank you Red Plains Grand Butchery for graciously grading and putting out gravel in front of our indoor hitting facility! We appreciate you supporting our school!
over 1 year ago, Kallie Ogletree
‼️Mark Your Calendars‼️ Back to school events!! 24 days until the first day of school!
over 1 year ago, Kallie Ogletree
Back to school
Here is your 2023-2024 school supplies list for CHS, CMS and CES!
over 1 year ago, Kallie Ogletree
Supply List
Supply List
Supply List
Supply List
Supply list
🪁 Soaring Through Science with Mrs. Doucet’s 6/7 grade science classes. Thank you to Dave Young and the Chisholm Trail Arts Council for such a fun lesson!🪁
about 2 years ago, Angela Rouse
6/7 Kites
6/7 Kites
6/7 Kites
6/7 Kites
6/7th Basketball @ Velma Tournament Bracket
over 2 years ago, Comanche Middle School
VA Comets Tournament Bracket
The Middle School has an opening in our cafeteria and are also in need of substitutes for the cafeteria. If you are interested, please visit keystonefoodservice.com.
over 3 years ago, Comanche Middle School