Wednesday, May 11th the school will offer sports physicals here on campus for students planning to participate in athletics for the 2022-23 school year. More details will be forthcoming.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Attention 22-23 high school students and parents. Course descriptions have been added to the HS page to help with class enrollment decisions.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Kindergarten and 5th grade cap and gown graduation pictures will be Friday, March 25th. Order forms will be sent home later.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
March 10th 1st grade and T-1st field trip to the Science Museum. Students need to be at school by 7:30 am the bus will leave at 7:45 am and students will need to be picked up at the Elementary by 3:30.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
Congratulations to The Pride of Comanche. Straight 1's at Class 3A District Contest. STATE BOUND!!!
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
James Morgan Comanche FFA Advisor recently applied for the Cotton Electric Charitable Foundation's Operation Round Up Grant. The program requested funds to help with the purchase of a new Lincoln Ranger 250 GXT portable welding machine to be used in the Ag Department and become part of our Agricultural Mechanics curriculum. The Chapter received $5715.00 to purchase the machine and should receive it sometime in April. This will allow our students to learn on a machine that is widely used in the industrial trades and also allow us to take part in some of the jackpot Agricultural Mechanics contests that are becoming popular across the state.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Elementary Baseball and Softball Sign Ups Monday March 7th
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
Dr Seuss Week
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
Dr Seuss
Tomorrow Friday, February 25, 2022, the district will continue with distance learning. Teachers will be available through Google classroom to provide assignments, check in with students, and be available to answer assignment questions. If your student is having connectivity issues please email your teacher. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Tomorrow Thursday, February 24, 2022, the district will continue with distance learning. Teachers will be available through Google classroom to provide assignments, check-in with students, and be available to answer assignment questions. If your student is having connectivity issues please email your teacher. Friday's determination will be made tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, we can have in-person learning on Friday.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Tomorrow Wednesday, February 23, 2022, the district will transition to a distance learning day as we do not have any snow days left on the calendar. Teachers will be available through Google classroom, check-in with students, and be available to answer assignment questions. If your student is having connectivity issues please email your teacher. Stay warm and let's hope the weather forecasters are wrong about the ice! I will make Thursday's determination tomorrow afternoon.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
The Chad Cargill ACT workshop has been rescheduled for March 9th. Please see Mrs. Miller to get the QR code and more information regarding registration.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Valentine Grams Due Friday 2/11
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
PTO Snack Shack Friday
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
Pom Clinic Participants will get in free to the basketball game tonight, however parents WILL have to pay. The costs is $5 per person, Senior Citizens are $3.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
To those students that are participating in the Pom clinic tomorrow - Clinic will be over at 5:00 - please pick up student from the front of the elementary school. IF they signed up for the extended time, we will walk them over to the fitness center. They will need to be picked up from the fitness center by 6:00. We will perform at the halftime of the GIRLS GAME. Please be at the high school gym no later than 6:45 ( game starts at 6:30) When the second quarter begins, please take your student to the fitness center gym (enter in the side door ) What to wear: clinic T-shirt Any type of black bottoms. ( shorts, leggings, sweats) Socks ( no shoes will be allowed on the gym floor) AFTER STUDENTS PERFORM - students will be taken back over to the fitness center gym. Parents must come over to the gym and pick their student up BEFORE HALF TIME IS OVER.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Elementary School
We will utilize a snow day on Friday - we have enough hours built into our calendar for one day and we will use that tomorrow. I hope your students enjoyed the lessons and creativity our teachers have implemented on our virtual days. Any other day we might miss will have to be made up on a Friday activity day. Enjoy your three-day weekend and hopefully, you can enjoy the snow tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
With the continued threat of inclement weather Comanche Schools will continue distance learning for Thursday, February 3, 2022. Students will need to complete assignments posted in Google classroom and follow the Distance Learning Handbook guidelines. Decisions regarding Friday will be posted Thursday evening.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
With the threat of inclement weather moving in early tomorrow Comanche Schools will transition to distance learning for Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Students will need to complete assignments posted in Google classroom and follow the Distance Learning Handbook guidelines. Decisions regarding Thursday will be posted Wednesday evening.
over 2 years ago, Comanche Public Schools
Health Hut is Returning
over 2 years ago, Laura Gordon
Health Hut